Praktyczne aspekty stosowania umowy o unikaniu podwójnego opodatkowania między Niemcami a Polską

Konferencja podatkowa IFA Poland

4 paź 2023

24 i 25 września w Krakowie około 60 ekspertów, teoretyków prawa podatkowego oraz praktyków z Polski i zagranicy wzięło udział w międzynarodowej konferencji podatkowej pt.: "Practical aspects of the application of the double tax treaty between Germany and Poland". Organizatorami wydarzenia były IFA Poland i IFA Germany. 

W ramach konferencji odbyły się następujące panele dyskusyjne:

  1. The most and least contentious provisions of the DTT DE PL:

    • Prof. Dr. Adrian Cloer, Honorary Professor at the European University Viadrina, Honorary Judge at the Higher Regional Court of Brandenburg, Co-editor of Jamrozy/Cloer Commentary on GermanPolish Double Tax Convention

    • Dr. Marcin Lachowicz, Polish Ministry of Finance, Tax Policy Department (in charge for DTT negotiations and exchange of information), Chair of Polish GAAR Panel
    • Dr. Jakub Jankowski, Polish Ministry of Finance, Income Tax Department
    • Pan Arkadiusz Bakowski, Head of global tax at BASF ECMS Group
    • Dr. Monika Wünnemann, Head of Tax at German Federation of Industries
    • Dr. Wojciech Sztuba, President of the Board at IFA Poland, Partner at TPA Poland

  2. Polish German practice on dispute resolution and dispute avoidance:

    • Prof. Dr. Xaver Ditz, Partner at Flick Gocke Schaumburg in Bonn/Duesseldorf and professor at the University of Trier

    • Prof. Dr. Robert Ullmann, University of Augsburg, member of the advisory commissions for the EU Dispute Resolution Mechanism
    • Pani Helena Radzięciak, Polish Ministry of Finance, Head of Unit (directly supervising currently pending Polish MAP proceedings)
    • Dr. Monika Laskowska, Warsaw School of Economics, Ex-Deputy Director at Direct Taxes Department in the Ministry of Finance (dealing with TP and AOA), board member at IFA Poland
    • Dr. Michael Hoelzl, Head of Tax, Customs & Branch Management at Siemens Energy

  3. Impact of changes in the business and regulatory environment:

    • Prof. Dr. hab. Krzysztof Lasiński-Sulecki, Professor at the University of
    Torun, Member of the Board of IFA Poland

    • Dr. Filip Majdowski, Member of the Steering Group of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS, Adviser to the Polish Ministry of Finance on International Tax Law
    • Prof. Dr. Christian Kaeser, President of the Board at IFA Germany, Head of Tax, Siemens AG
    • Pan Cezary Krysiak, Polish Ministry of Finance, Head of TP unit at Direct Taxes Department
    • Pani Patrycja Brzostowska, Head of Tax at Getir Group
    • Pani Dominika Tyczka-Szyda, Tax adviser, Partner, Head of Legal & Tax Consulting Department in Wroclaw responsible for TP team in Rödl & Partner Poland

Dziękujemy panelistom za podzielenie się swoją wiedzą oraz moderatorom dyskusji panelowej za ich wkład i ożywioną dyskusję, a także wszystkim uczestnikom za obecność i wymianę doświadczeń.

Komitet organizacyjny konferencji:
• Prof. Dr. Christian Kaeser, President of the Board at IFA Germany, Head of Tax, Siemens AG
• Prof. Dr. Xaver Ditz , Partner at FGS
• Pan Berthold Welling, Secretary General at IFA Germany, Executive Manger at VCI (Association of Chemical Industry)
• Dr. Monika Wünnemann, Head of Tax at BDI (German Federation of Industries)
• Dr. Wojciech Sztuba, President of the Board at IFA Poland, Managing Partner at TPA Poland
• Prof. Dr. hab. Krzysztof Lasiński-Sulecki, Board Member at IFA Poland, Director of the Centre of Fiscal Studies at Nicolaus Copernicus University
• Dr. Izabela Andrzejewska Czernek, Board Member at IFA Poland; Global YIN Committee Member, of counsel at Vinci & Vinci

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