Natural persons or legal persons may be ordinary members of the Association. Pursuant to the Articles of Association, apart from full legal capacity to act, in order to be accepted into the ranks of the Association's members a candidate is required to have made a scientific contribution in the field of international and comparative tax matters, and in particular tax law as well as tax and economic aspects of taxation or the candidate has to be considered as being able to make such a contribution. Members are accepted to the Association pursuant to a decision by the Association’s Executive Board, made on the basis of an application submitted by the applicant (and a CV attached to the application), which in particular specifies the candidate’s experience within the field of international tax law, supported by at least two Association members.
You should write an email to Michal Nowacki ( with a request regarding your interest in becoming a member of the Association and include a CV with highlighted points regarding your involvement or interest in international tax topics.